About / 關於

Jon Li

現居台灣台南。曾經與Henri Cartier-Bresson、並目前持續與Alex Webb、Martin Parr、森山大道、荒木經惟...等攝影大師共同生活在同一個行星上。更曾獲得國內外各種大小獎項,如統一發票六獎等。深信器材不是重點,因為都買不起。不只拍攝靜物,更想成為靜物。

Born in 1990 and currently based in Tainan, Taiwan, Jon Li is yet another young generation who embarks on the journey of photography. Together with masterminds such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, Alex Webb, Martin Parr, Daidō Moriyama and so on, Jon lives on the Earth and takes photos of events happen on this blue planet. From time to time, he has won multiple noteworthy prizes – packs of gummy bears, free bus tickets and best new boy scout to name a few. On photography, he believes that his eyes are the best lenses available since his mum gave that for free.


2015 International Photography Awards (Advertising, Music): Honorable Mention
2014 Px3 Paris Photography Competition (Fine Art: Architecture): Bronze
2014 Px3 Paris Photography Competition (Advertising, Music): Honorable Mention
2021 Sony 台灣之美影像徵件: 動態亞軍